- Bless your friends and family through the power of Jesus in their lives! Choose three people who you are going to pray for daily by name—that they will come to know the fullness of Christ’s blessings. Commit to inviting them to our church activities.
- Join in a Prayer triplet group by inviting two other members of our church family to join you in Operation Andrew and commit together to pray daily by name for each person on their list as well. Than meet together once a week in person, by phone or via zoom to pray together!
- God works powerful miracles in our lives when we pray for others! See God’s power released in your life and your friends’ lives through Operation Andrew. Please see Pastor Chris or Lee for more information or to find your prayer triplet group!
Get Started TODAY!
“Andrew went to find his brother, Simon, and told him, “We have found the Messiah!" Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus.” (John 1:41-42)